# Perl Support File
# File Permissions:  644  -rw-r--r--

#                Authorize.Net Merchant Configuration File                 #

# Variables in this file may be disabled by leaving the variable's value blank,
# commenting out a variable (placing a # sign in column 1), or removing the
# variable from this file.
# The value of a variable must be on the same line as the variable name.
# Separate variable names and values with a single space.

# Comment lines are those lines beginning with a # (pound sign).
# Comment lines and blank lines are bypassed in this file.
    # Whitespace before the # (pound sign) on comment lines are ignored.
# Trailing comments on variable lines are truncated at the first # (pound sign),
# removing all trailing whitespace from the variable's value.
# The # (pound sign) can not used in a variable's value.


# x_Login is your Authorize.Net merchant ID
# x_Password is your Authorize.Net password
# For testing puposes, use the following values for x_Login and x_Password:
#    x_Login testing      # Test Merchant Login ID
#    x_Password password  # Test Password - Optional

x_Login testing      # Merchant Login ID
x_Password password  # Merchant Password - Optional

# x_Type is the type of transaction Authorize.Net is to perform.
# WebStore allows the following values for x_Type:
#    AUTH_CAPTURE - Authorization w/ Auto Capture
#    AUTH_ONLY    - Authorize Only

# x_Type defaults to AUTH_CAPTURE when the value assigned to x_Type does not


# The value assigned to x_MD5 must equal the value of the ADC secret key
# stored in the General ADC Settings section of your merchant account at
# Authorize.Net.

# When using MD5 validation, WebStore creates the MD5 checksum using the
# following values in the sequence shown:
#    x_MD5 + x_Login + x_Trans_ID + x_Amount
# The MD5 checksum computed by WebStore is checked against the MD5 checksum
# received from Authorize.Net.
# When MD5 validation fails, WebStore adds an error message at the bottom of
# the administrative order e-mail.

# WebStore will not prevent an authorization from being processed due to
# an MD5 checksum error.  WebStore merely reports the error as shown above.
# It is the responsibility of the user to determine why an MD5 checksum error
# was received.

# Setting the value of x_MD5 to blank disables MD5 validation.


# Setting x_Email_Customer to TRUE will e-mail a sales receipt created
# by the Authorize.Net system to the client.  WebStore disables sending
# it's client sales receipt.

# Setting x_Email_Customer to blank or FALSE disables sending a sales
# receipt e-mail to the client from Authorize.Net.  WebStore sends it's
# sales receipt to the client.

# x_Email_Customer defaults to blank when x_Email_Customer does not equal

# x_Email_Customer FALSE  # TRUE or FALSE

# Setting x_Email_Merchant to blank or TRUE will e-mail a transaction receipt
# created by the Authorize.Net system to all contact e-mail addresses stored
# in the Manage Contact Information section of your merchant account at
# Authorize.Net which have been configured to receive transaction receipts.

# Setting x_Email_Merchant to FALSE disables sending transaction receipt
# e-mails created by the Authorize.Net system to the contact e-mail addresses.

# Regardless of the value of x_Email_Merchant, WebStore always e-mails
# detailed order receipts to the store administrator.

# x_Email_Merchant defaults to blank when x_Email_Merchant does not equal

x_Email_Merchant FALSE  # TRUE or FALSE

# End of file