Example banner file created by ws_banner.cgi. The client's cart id is
used to create the unique banner id file for each client.
Banner files are created when ws_banner.cgi is configured for automatic,
timed refresh of random or sequential banner display using <meta Refresh>.
Filename has been changed from 980615191210684.bnr to avoid age deletion.
This file is not present in the distributions of this application as it is
generated by ws_banner.cgi at runtime if
$timeout in
ws_banner.cgi is set to a non-zero, numeric value.
$timeout is the amount of
time each banner image listed in
%images of ws_banner.cgi
is used before switching to the next banner image (in numeric sequence) listed in
A web browser accessing ws_banner.cgi will receive the image whose index
number is currently listed in banner_timeout.file.
The next browser access will receive this image as well if the age of
banner_timeout.file has not exceeded the age
limit set in $timeout.
Once the first image has been used for the length of time set in
ws_banner.cgi will store the next image's index number in
banner_timeout.file, overwrite
banner_timeout.file (resetting the file's age),
and switch to the image whose index number is now stored in
banner_timeout.file, and so on.