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WebStore Error Messages

Hard and soft error messages generated by WebStore help to diagnose errors during the installation of WebStore.
Server Generated Errors:
File not Found
Document contains no data
Internal Server Error
WebStore Hard Errors:
WebStore generates hard error messages for non-recoverable errors, terminating the script process.
File not Found
System Files not Found
Directory Access Error
File Access Error
System Error in Shopping Cart Routine
No Read Permission
Duplicated Database Id Number
Alpha Characters in Database Id Number
Invalid Frameset Tag
Product pages outside WebStore:
Form name=value Error
Invalid Query String
Product pages in WebStore:
Form name=value Error
Invalid Query String
Extended directory and file status messages printed for these errors are color coded:
File errors are printed in blue.
Directory errors are printed in red.
Correct values are printed in black.
Extended error messages are suppressed when no directory errors exist. Adding env= to the query string will override extended error message suppression. This will also return environment variables present in %ENV for the current script process:
Elements of %ENV beginning or ending with USER are always omitted.
Server system files used by WebStore are printed below %ENV:
Perl Version  =  5.00503
perl          =  /usr/bin/perl
nslookup      =  /usr/bin/nslookup
sendmail      =  /usr/bin/sendmail
WebStore Soft Errors:
With the exception of frame documents, WebStore generates soft error messages for non-existent HTML files, database categories, and secondary forms called in query strings.
WebStore returns the client to the store's front page, displays the appropriate soft error message, and terminates the script process normally for the following errors:
Database Id Number not available in database
FORM File not Found
%Form not Defined
%ClientForm not Defined
%OrderForm not Defined
Invalid %OrderForm Use
HTML File not Found
No Records in Database
Invalid Database Id in Query String
Items on HTML page not available in database
The following error messages are printed to database category displays:
Image Field Syntax Error
Error in outlet.setup
Error in outlet.setup or record in
The following error messages are printed to expanded item information pages:
Error in outlet.setup or query string on HTML page
Color and Size not defined in query string on HTML page
Item Page Error: Record not available in database
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Server Generated Errors

File Not Found

The requested URL /Web_store/wseditor.cgi was not found on this server.
The URL and filename spelling present in href anchors must be accurate or you will receive an error message from your server similar to the message above.
Document contains no data    Netscape browsers generate no data messages for punctuation errors present in Perl variables. MSIE browsers return Server Error messages for these errors.
Document contains no data messages are reported by Netscape browsers when a script process terminates prior to sending printable data back to the browser.
Common errors are missing commas, single quotes, or double quotes in arrays and hash of arrays in script setup files and form setup files:
@example = ('4', '5', '0,  '1');  Missing '
@example = ('4', '5', '0'  '1');  Missing ,
@example = ('4', '5', '0   '1');  Missing ',
@example = ('4', '5', '0', '1');  Correct Punctuation
Punctuation errors in setup file variables will generate No data or Server Error messages. To debug these errors, telnet to your account and issue the following command from the parent directory of ws400CS.cgi:
perl -w ws400CS.cgi

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or mis-configuration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, Webmaster and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

Internal Server Error messages are received for a variety or reasons:
Line one of the Perl script does not point to your server's Perl 5.
BINARY FTP transfer of ASCII files
FTP uploads of Perl scripts or script setup files to your server in BINARY mode adds one carriage return to the end of each line in the file. Carriage returns in Perl scripts or script setup files will generate a Server Error message at runtime.
With the exception of image files (.gif and .jpg) in the /Web_store/Graphics sub-directory, all WebStore files are ASCII text files.
Partial FTP file transfers
FTP uploads of Perl scripts or script setup files which terminate prematurely will generate a Server Error message.
The last line of text in WebStore's Perl scripts and script setup files is  # End of file.
Missing punctuation in Perl variables
@example =  '4', '5', '0', '1');  Missing (
@example = ('4', '5', '0', '1';   Missing )
@example = ('4', '5', '0', '1')   Missing ;
@example = ('4', '5', '0', '1');  Correct Punctuation

$example = 'Some Text'   Missing ;
$example = 'Some Text;   Missing '
$example = 'Some Text';  Correct Punctuation
Punctuation errors in setup file variables will generate Server Error or No data messages. To debug these errors, telnet to your account and issue the following command from the parent directory of ws400CS.cgi:
perl -w ws400CS.cgi
Carriage return line termination character
Some text editors terminate lines with carriage return, line feed (CRLF). Carriage returns in Perl scripts or script setup files will generate a Server Error message at runtime.
UltraEdit-32 for Windows and BBEdit 5.0 for Macintosh do not add carriage returns to text files.
WebStore Hard Errors

File not Found

Can not require /Path/To/Web_store/Databases/outlet.setup

Error occurred at LINE 111 in /Path/To/Web_store/ws400CS.cgi.

Verify the file exists and filename spelling is correct for this file.

Directory and File Permissions:

    File not found:  /Path/To/Web_store/Databases/outlet.setup

    Invalid Value:   UNIX path in $basedir of ws_global.setup is not correct

    Directory not found:  /Path/to/Web_store
    Directory not found:  /Path/to/Web_store/Databases
    Directory not found:  /Path/to/Web_store/Databases/Clients
    Directory not found:  /Path/to/Web_store/Databases/Clients/Restricted
    Directory not found:  /Path/to/Web_store/Databases/Mail
    Directory not found:  /Path/to/Web_store/Graphics
    Directory not found:  /Path/to/Web_store/Graphics/Banners
    Directory not found:  /Path/to/Web_store/Html
    Directory not found:  /Path/to/Web_store/Library
    Directory not found:  /Path/to/Web_store/Statistics
    Directory not found:  /Path/to/Web_store/User_carts
    Directory not found:  /Path/to/Web_store/User_carts/Restricted
    Directory not found:  /Path/to/Web_store/Users
Environment Variables:
    AUTH_TYPE          =  Basic
    DOCUMENT_ROOT      =  /Path/To/Domain/Root
    HTTP_ACCEPT        =  image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
    HTTP_CONNECTION    =  Keep-Alive
    HTTP_HOST          =
    HTTP_PRAGMA        =  no-cache
    HTTP_USER_AGENT    =  Mozilla/4.05 [en] (Win95; I)
    PATH               =  /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin
    REMOTE_ADDR        =
    REMOTE_HOST        =
    REMOTE_PORT        =  1247
    REQUEST_URI        =  /Web_store/ws400CS.cgi
    SCRIPT_FILENAME    =  /Path/To/Web_store/ws400CS.cgi
    SCRIPT_NAME        =  /Web_store/ws400CS.cgi
    SERVER_ADMIN       =  Webmaster
    SERVER_NAME        =
    SERVER_PORT        =  80
    SERVER_SOFTWARE    =  Apache/1.2.4
System Files:
    Perl Version  =  5.00503
    perl          =  /usr/bin/perl
    nslookup      =  /usr/bin/nslookup
    sendmail      =  /usr/bin/sendmail

You will receive an error message similar to the message above when the /Web_store directory and none of WebStore's sub-directories can be located.
This error will occur when the value of $basedir in ws_global.setup does not point to the /Web_store directory on your server.
The environment variables present in %ENV for the current script process are included in the error message. Elements beginning or ending with USER are always omitted.
If the /Web_store directory was placed directly under $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'} in this example, the correct value for $basedir in ws_global.setup would be:
$basedir = '/Path/To/Web_store';

System Files not Found

pgp found at current setting:       /usr/local/bin/pgp
sendmail not found at /Path/To/sendmail
nslookup not found at /Path/To/nslookup

Set $sendmail and $nslookup in ws_global.setup to:

    $sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
    $nslookup = '/usr/sbin/nslookup';


Directory Access Error

Can not access /Path/To/Web_store/User_carts in Read Files Routine

Error occurred at LINE 221 in /Path/To/Web_store/ws400CS.cgi.

Verify the directory exists and directory permissions are correct.

Directory Permissions:

    755 = /Path/To/Web_store
    777 = /Path/To/Web_store/Databases
    777 = /Path/To/Web_store/Databases/Mail
    755 = /Path/To/Web_store/Graphics
    755 = /Path/To/Web_store/Graphics/Banners
    755 = /Path/To/Web_store/Html
    755 = /Path/To/Web_store/Library
    777 = /Path/To/Web_store/Statistics
    Change to 777:  /Path/To/Web_store/User_carts
    777 = /Path/To/Web_store/Users

Verify /Web_store/User_carts exists and /User_carts directory permissions are set to 777.

File Access Error

Can not access /Path/To/Web_store/Html/Frameset.html in Read File Routine

Error occurred at LINE 1147 in /Path/To/Web_store/ws400CS.cgi.

Verify /Html directory permissions, the file exists, and file permissions are correct.


System Error in Shopping Cart Routine

Can not create unique shopping cart file after 5 attempts.

990602024504732.cart already exists in /Path/To/Web_store/User_carts.

Error occurred at LINE 254 in /Path/To/Web_store/ws400CS.cgi.

Contact your host's tech support staff as your server is not properly generating random numbers. This error condition is extremely rare but warrants error handling.
Components of shopping cart id:
     year   month   month day   hour   minute   *$$
      98     04        06        03      38    18020

If the generated cart id already exists in the /User_carts sub-directory, WebStore appends a hyphenated numeric string (maximum of three digits) to the cart id, comprised of Perl's rand, time, and *$$:
*$$ is the process number of the Perl currently running WebStore.

No Read Permission

Can not require /Path/To/Web_store/Databases/outlet.setup

Error occurred at LINE 111 in /Path/To/Web_store/ws400CS.cgi.


Invalid Database Id

Invalid Database Id Number in /Path/To/Web_store/Databases/

Duplicated Database Id Number:

  • 9 - Sweaters Category

Database id numbers must be unique to each item in the database.

Correct id numbers with ws_editor.cgi using Sort/Add or Sort/Remove.

Duplicate database id checks are restricted to those name=value pairs received from a WebStore form POST action. When a duplication error is detected, WebStore checks the entire database and returns a bulleted listing of all duplicated id numbers.
WebStore will develop an href anchor pointing to WS Editor when WS Editor is present in the same directory as the WebStore script, WS Editor is named ws_editor.cgi, and ws_editor.cgi is readable (-r) and executable (-x).

Invalid Database Id

Invalid Database Id Number in /Path/To/Web_store/Databases/

Alpha Characters in Database Id Number:

  • c1001 - Shirts Category

Database id numbers are numeric only (0-9) and must be unique to each item in the database.

Correct id numbers with ws_editor.cgi using Sort/Add or Sort/Remove.

When alpha or special characters are detected in a database item id field, WebStore checks the entire database for invalid characters in id fields. Duplicated id checking is also performed.
WebStore will develop an href anchor pointing to WS Editor when WS Editor is present in the same directory as the WebStore script, WS Editor is named ws_editor.cgi, and ws_editor.cgi is readable (-r) and executable (-x).

Invalid Frameset Tag

Invalid use of frames in store's front page:  frontpage.html

<FRAMESET> detected in the HTML page defined in $frontpage_file in outlet.setup.

Framesets must be used in the HTML file defined in $frameset_file. Frameset pages may be called using &frames=frameset&category=FramesPage.html in query strings.


Form name=value Error

Duplicate name=value pair on

Duplicated name=value pair:

  • 5

Database Id name=value pairs defined in quantity text inputs must be unique:


Database id name=value pairs generated by a form POST must be unique. There can never be two quantity text inputs in one form referencing the same database item.
When WebStore detects a duplicated database id, the entire database is checked for duplicated ids prior to printing this error message. If duplicated ids are detected in the store's database, this HTML page error message is suppressed and an Invalid Database Id error message is printed. Database errors take precedence over HTML page errors.
WebStore will develop an href anchor pointing to the HTML page in error when the web page defined in $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} ends in .htm, .html, .phtml, or .shtml.

Invalid Query String

Duplicate name=value pair in query string:


Error occurred on

Database Id name=value pairs defined in query strings must be unique.

Database id name=value pairs in query strings must be unique. There can never be two name=value pairs in a query string referencing the same database item.
When WebStore detects a duplicated database id, the entire database is checked for duplicated ids prior to printing this error message. If duplicated ids are detected in the store's database, this query string error message is suppressed and an Invalid Database Id error message is printed. Database errors take precedence over HTML page errors.
WebStore will develop an href anchor pointing to the HTML page in error when the web page defined in $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} ends in .htm, .html, .phtml, or .shtml.

Form name=value Errors

Duplicate name=value pairs on /Path/To/Web_store/Html/Products.html

Duplicated name=value pairs:

  • 5
  • 24

Database Id name=value pairs defined in quantity text inputs must be unique:


Database id name=value pairs generated by a form POST must be unique. There can never be two quantity text inputs in one form referencing the same database item.
When WebStore detects a duplicated database id, the entire database is checked for duplicated ids prior to printing this error message. If duplicated ids are detected in the store's database, this HTML page error message is suppressed and an Invalid Database Id error message is printed. Database errors take precedence over HTML page errors.

Invalid Query String

Duplicate name=value pair in query string:


Duplicated name=value pair:

  • 5

Database Id name=value pairs defined in query strings must be unique.

Database id name=value pairs in query strings must be unique. There can never be two name=value pairs in a query string referencing the same database item.
When WebStore detects a duplicated database id, the entire database is checked for duplicated ids prior to printing this error message. If duplicated ids are detected in the store's database, this query string error message is suppressed and an Invalid Database Id error message is printed. Database errors take precedence over HTML page errors.
WebStore will develop an href anchor pointing to the HTML page in error when the web page defined in $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} ends in .htm, .html, .phtml, or .shtml.
WebStore Soft Errors
  Record number 2000 not available in  
The database item id number 2000 could not be found in during a single item database lookup using the following query string:
When a non-existent database record is called using category= in a WebStore query string, the client is routed to the store's front page and an error message similar to the message above is printed at the top of the page.
  FORM File not Found:    /Path/To/Web_store/Databases/NoForm.setup  
When a non-existent secondary form file is called using form= from a WebStore query string on one of your HTML documents, the client is routed to the store's front page and an error message similar to the message above is printed at the top of the page.
With the exception of the global setup file, ws_global.setup, all setup files must be stored in the /Web_store/Databases sub-directory.
  %Form not Defined:    /Path/To/Web_store/Databases/Form.Catalog.setup  
When %Form is not defined in a secondary form file, the client is routed to the store's front page and an error message similar to the message above is printed at the top of the page.
Secondary form files are called using ws400CS.cgi?form=Form.Catalog.
  %ClientForm not Defined:    /Path/To/Web_store/Databases/Form.Catalog.setup  
When %ClientForm is not defined in the secondary access form file defined in $client_file or $password_file in outlet.setup, the client is routed to the store's front page and an error message similar to the message above is printed at the top of the page.
Access form files are called using ws400CS.cgi?client_form=Y.
  %OrderForm not Defined:    /Path/To/Web_store/Databases/OrderForm.Subtotal.setup  
When %OrderForm is not defined in WebStore's primary form file, the client is routed to the store's front page and an error message similar to the message above is printed at the top of the page.
%OrderForm is WebStore's primary order form hash of arrays.
%OrderForm must exist in each order form setup file defined in %form_files in outlet.setup or orders can not be processed.
  Invalid %OrderForm Use:    /Path/To/Web_store/Databases/Form.Catalog.setup  
When %OrderForm is defined in a secondary form file, the client is routed to the store's front page and an error message similar to the message above is printed at the top of the page.
%OrderForm is WebStore's primary order form hash of arrays which can only be used in an order form setup file, defined in a form array in %form_files in outlet.setup.
  HTML File not Found:    /Path/To/Web_store/Html/Shirtss.html  
When a non-existent HTML file is called using category=, page=, or pcat= from a WebStore query string on one of your HTML documents, the client is routed to the store's front page and an error message similar to the message above is printed at the top of the page.
All HTML files must be stored under the /Web_store/Html sub-directory.
The store's front page defined in $frontpage_file of outlet.setup, non-existent frameset files, and HTML files called from WebStore query strings in a frameset file will receive a File Access Error.
All non-existent HTML files called using frames=frameset, frames=main, and frames=Y in WebStore query strings will receive a File Access Error.
  No records available for Shirtss in  
The Shirts Category was misspelled, probably in the query string of a URL linking to the Shirts Category. It is possible that Shirts was misspelled in the Category field of all items in the Shirts Category of the store's database, but it is unlikely.
When a non-existent database category is called using category= in a WebStore query string, the client is routed to the store's front page and an error message similar to the message above is printed at the top of the page.
  Invalid Database Id in Query String:    &item_id=9a    Id's are Numeric Only  
When an invalid database id is received for item_id= in a WebStore query string, the client is routed to the store's front page and an error message similar to the message above is printed at the top of the page.
item_id=, item_pr=, d1=, and d2=, are used to call expanded item information pages.
  Items on HTML page not available in  
Items listed on an item page targeting WebStore using a form post action without a hidden tag for category were not found in the store's database.
Including a hidden tag for category in the form on these item pages will generate a No Records in Database error message.
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="category" VALUE="Shirts">
 Image Syntax Error:   Record id 7, field 8 in 
 <imgsrc="Graphics/Knits1.80x100.jpg" alt="Premium Knit 1" width=80 height=100 border=0> 
Missing space between <img and src in the image field for database item number 7:
<imgsrc = "Graphics/Knits1.80x100.jpg" alt="Premium Knit 1" width=80 height=100 border=0>
WebStore checks <img src> syntax before printing an item's image field to category tables.
  Error in outlet.setup  
      Color     No values in $DD2_FIELDS{27}     69.95  
No alpha-numeric characters (A-Z,a-z,0-9) exist in any element of size list (array) 27 in %DD2_FIELDS.
WebStore will print those elements of an array in %DD1_FIELDS or %DD2_FIELDS which contain alpha-numeric characters.
  Error in outlet.setup or record 5 in  
      $DD1_FIELDS{48} not defined     Size     69.95  
Color list (array) 48 stored in the color field of record 5 in the database,, does not exist in %DD1_FIELDS in outlet.setup.
WebStore can not determine which file contains the error when a referenced array does not exist in %DD1_FIELDS or %DD2_FIELDS in outlet.setup.
  Error in outlet.setup or query string on HTML page  
      Color     $DD2_FIELDS{92} not defined     69.95  
Size list (array) 92 in d2= of a query string present on the referencing HTML page ItemPage.htm does not exist in %DD2_FIELDS in outlet.setup.
WebStore can not determine which file contains the error when a referenced array does not exist in %DD1_FIELDS or %DD2_FIELDS in outlet.setup.
  Color and Size not defined in query string on HTML page  
    No d1= in query string    No d2= in query string
Record 6 in    Color = 5    Size = 1
No values were defined for d1= or d2= in a query string present on the referencing HTML page ItemPage.htm.
This message is displayed when an item quantity is submitted using the form WebStore prints to ItemPage.htm.
The displayed input table for ItemPage.htm prior to the first quantity submission:
  Quantity:     Price:   69.95  
Since no values were defined for d1= or d2= in the referencing query string on ItemPage.htm, WebStore is restricted to printing a quantity text input and price value.
WebStore does not reference the store's database for an item's price and drop down select array values until a quantity submission is made.
If a price value had not been defined in item_pr= in the query string present on ItemPage.htm, WebStore would print the following:
  Quantity:     Price:   N/A  
  Item Page Error:  Record number 6 not available in  
The database record defined in item_id= in a WebStore query string does not exist in the store's database.
This message is displayed when an item quantity is submitted using the form WebStore prints to the item page.
WebStore does not reference the store's database until a quantity submission is made.
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