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Configure WS Mail Setup File

WS Mail's setup file, /Web_store/Databases/ws_mail.setup, contains variables specific to ws_mail.cgi.
Variables used by all scripts are located in /Web_store/ws_global.setup.
$default_setup_file = 'ws_mail.setup';
If you change the filename of ws_mail.setup, change the value of $default_setup_file located in the DEFINE VARIABLES section at the top of ws_mail.cgi to reflect the file's new name.
$default_setup_file is the setup file used if the URL pointing to ws_mail.cgi does not contain a name=value pair for setup= in the query string:   ws_mail.cgi?setup=ws_mail
General Settings
$return_link_url | $return_link_title
$email_link_url  | $email_link_title
Administrative Interface
$message_columns | $message_rows
$allow_register | $email_register
$log_file | $log_file_size | $log_delimiter
$stat_file | $stat_file_size | $stat_delimiter
HTML Display
$background | $bgcolor - $alink_color
$header_bkg_clr | $header_fnt_clr
$data_bkg_clr | $data_fnt_clr
Top of Page
General Settings
$global_page_title = 'WS Mail';
$global_page_title is used in the <TITLE> of all HTML pages, in the Subject and Body of generated email messages when a new user registers, and on the 'Logon' form submission button.
$mail_file = 'WebStore.list';
$mail_file is the | (pipe) delimited flatfile database consisting of e-mail addresses and names.
Example record:|Susan Smith
$server_includes = '0';
When $server_includes = '1', ws_mail.cgi is being called using a server side include exec command:
        <!--#exec cgi="../Path/To/ws_mail.cgi"-->
The path to ws_mail.cgi supplied in the exec SSI is relative to the location of the HTML document containing the exec command. The mailing list registration form is printed to the HTML document within opening and closing <CENTER> tags.
Using an exec SSI (server side include) prohibits the printing of the HTML document's opening <HTML>, <TITLE>, and <BODY> tags. It also prohibits the printing of the HTML document's closing </BODY> and </HTML> tags.
If you use SSI, the list setup file in which $server_includes = '1' must be defined in $default_setup_file located at the top of ws_mail.cgi in the DEFINE VARIABLES section.
When $server_includes = '0', ws_mail.cgi is being called without the use of SSI. The entire HTML document is generated by ws_mail.cgi for mailing list registration.
$link_page = '';
After a subscriber submits his name and e-mail address for addition in your mailing list, he is sent to the HTML page defined in $link_page.
$link_page is an absolute URL which must point to an HTML file (.htm or .html file extension).
$link_page must be properly defined or WS Mail will generate a Configuration Error message when accessing the subscription form.
When WS Mail's registration form is called from an HTML page within the WebStore environment, and your server supplies $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} (referring web page), and a name=value pair for cart_id= is present in the query string, subscribers will return to the WebStore application:
<A HREF="">Join our Mailing List</A>
If your server does not supply $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}, you must add a name=value pair for link_page= to the WS Mail query string in order to return clients to the WebStore application:
If you do not supply a name=value pair for link_page=, subscribers will be returned to the HTML page defined in $link_page.
$signature = qq!

   RDC Software
   Route 3, Box 29B     Phone:  936.687.2400
   Grapeland, Texas     Fax:    936.687.9057
!; # DO NOT REMOVE - terminates $signature
$signature is the signature used in messages sent to new subscribers and in messages sent to the entire mailing list.
WS Mail removes all leading and trailing whitespace from $signature before adding three blank lines to the beginning of $signature. No blank lines are added to the end of $signature as it is the end of the BODY of the auto-response e-mail message sent to new subscribers and to e-mail messages sent to the entire mailing list.
Setting $signature = ''; disables printing the Signature <TEXTAREA> input on the Send Mail form of the administrative interface.
$email_subject = 'Welcome To WebStore\'s Mailing List';
$email_subject is the SUBJECT of the e-mail sent to new subscribers to your mailing list.
Setting $email_subject = '' or $register_msg = '' disables sending auto-response e-mail messages to new subscribers.
$register_msg = qq!

RDC Software - WS Mail DEMO
Route 3, Box 29B
Grapeland, Texas  75844
Phone:  936.687.2400
Fax:    936.687.9057


Thank you ~~FIRST~~, for joining the WebStore mailing list.

NOTE:  This is a demonstration of WS Mail in WebStore.

       Your e-mail address, ~~EMAIL~~, has not been
       added to an active mailing list.


!; # DO NOT REMOVE - terminates $register_msg
$register_msg is the auto-response message sent to new subscribers to your mailing list.
You may personalize the text in $register_msg by including the subscriber's name and e-mail address.
Occurrences of    ~~FIRST~~   ~~FULL~~   and   ~~EMAIL~~   found in $register_msg will be replaced with:
                    ~~FIRST~~    Subscriber's first name
                    ~~FULL~~     Subscriber's full name
                    ~~EMAIL~~    Subscriber's e-mail address
Occurrences of  ~~FIRST~~  in $register_msg are replaced with the full name of the subscriber instead of the first name if the full name ends in Co, Company, Corp, Corporation, Inc, or Incorporated (case insensitive, optional trailing period).
$signature near the bottom of $register_msg is the contents of $signature in this file.
Space the contents of $register_msg as you would like it to appear in the auto-response e-mail message sent to new subscribers.
WS Mail removes all leading and trailing whitespace from $register_msg before adding one blank line to the beginning of $register_msg. No blank lines are added to the end of $register_msg as it is the end of the BODY of the auto-response e-mail message sent to new subscribers.
Setting $register_msg = '' or $email_subject = '' disables sending auto-response e-mail messages to new subscribers.
$message_header = qq!

Hello ~~FIRST~~\!

Your e-mail address, ~~EMAIL~~, has been added to WebStore's mailing list.

This is the demonstration message sent to the entire mailing list.

End of message header in ws_mail.setup

!; # DO NOT REMOVE - terminates $message_header
$message_header is printed at the beginning of all messages sent to the entire mailing list.
You may personalize the text in $message_header by using each member's name and e-mail address.
Occurrences of    ~~FIRST~~   ~~FULL~~   and   ~~EMAIL~~   found in $message_header will be replaced with:
                    ~~FIRST~~    List member's first name
                    ~~FULL~~     List member's full name
                    ~~EMAIL~~    List member's e-mail address
Occurrences of  ~~FIRST~~  in $message_header are replaced with the full name of the list member instead of the first name if the full name ends in Co, Company, Corp, Corporation, Inc, or Incorporated (case insensitive, optional trailing period).
Space the contents of $message_header as you would like it to appear in the auto-response e-mail message sent to new subscribers.
WS Mail removes all leading and trailing whitespace from $message_header before adding one blank line to the beginning of $message_header and two blank lines to the end of $message_header.
Setting $message_header = '', disables printing $message_header and it's associated blank lines to e-mail messages sent to the entire list.
$return_link_url = '';
$return_link_url is an absolute URL link printed at the bottom of all pages in WS Mail whose format is:
Setting $return_link_url = ''; disables printing of $return_link_url.
$return_link_title = 'Home Page';
$return_link_title is the URL's description.
$email_link_url = "WebStore\";
$email_link_url is an email link printed at the bottom of all pages in WS Mail.
Setting $email_link_url = ''; disables printing of $email_link_url.
$email_link_title = 'Mail to: '.$email_link_url;
$email_link_title is the email link's description.
Administrative Interface
$desc_text = '1';
If $desc_text = 0, disable printing Help buttons and text instructions.
If $desc_text = 1, print Help button. No text instructions are printed.
If $desc_text = 2, print No Help button. Text instructions are printed.
The value of $desc_text determines the printing of the Help buttons and the text instructions for the initial printing of the administrative interface's front page.
When $desc_text equals 1 or 2, the administrator may use the Help and No Help buttons to print (or disable the printing) of text instructions.
$max_retries = '3';
$max_retries is the number of sequential nslookup attempts performed on a domain name which fails nslookup.
If a list contains several e-mail addresses which point to the same domain, it serves no purpose to perform nslookup on each e-mail address once the domain name has returned a valid record from nslookup or after WS Mail has determined the domain name to be invalid.
If a domain name returns a valid record using nslookup before the domain's error count reaches the value of $max_retries, all remaining e-mail addresses with the domain name being queried will be accepted without performing additional nslookup attempts.
If a domain name fails to return a valid record using nslookup before the domain's error count reaches the value of $max_retries, all remaining e-mail addresses with the domain name being queried will be rejected without performing additional nslookup attempts.
$message_columns = '70';
$message_columns is the number of columns assigned to the Mail Message <TEXTAREA> input on the Send Mail form. $message_columns also sets the maximum number of characters per line in messages sent to the mailing list.
$message_rows = '30';
$message_rows is the number of rows assigned to the Mail Message <TEXTAREA> input on the Send Mail form.
$save_MSG_files = '0';
If $save_MSG_files = 1, MSG (message) files created by WS Mail are saved in the /Databases/Mail sub-directory after the message has been sent to the entire mailing list.
If $save_MSG_files = 0, MSG files are deleted when the message has been sent to the entire mailing list.
WS Mail saves the Subject and Mail Message of the message being sent to the mailing list in a MSG file whose filename denotes the date, time, and the mailing list filename the message is being sent to:
The first line of MSG files is a 200 character e-mail address buffer which WS Mail uses to print each e-mail address as it receives the message, followed by a pipe character:|
If the script process is terminated prematurely for any reason, the MSG file will allow you to restart sending the message from the exact e-mail address in the mailing list when the script process was terminated. No one receives the message twice and everyone receives the message.
Since the last e-mail address which received the message is stored in the MSG file's buffer, Send Mail for the message may be restarted by loading the MSG file and selecting Sort/Send Mail. WS Mail begins sending the message when the e-mail address stored in the buffer is found in the mailing list. The next e-mail address in the list is the first address to receive the message.
If you should delete the e-mail address from the mailing list which is stored in the MSG file's buffer before the message is loaded and sent to the entire list, the message will be sent to everyone in the list.
When the message has been sent to all e-mail addresses in the mailing list, WS Mail clears the e-mail address buffer and stores   ::entire::|   in column 1 of the buffer when $save_MSG_files = 1.
$user_security = 'add delete modify';
$user_security is the security group assigned to all users when they register. Security levels can be modified for any user listed in the user file by removing "add, delete, or modify" from the user's record.
Valid security attributes are   add   delete   modify   or   admin.
admin   gives full permissions and is equal to   add   delete   modify.
Security attributes may be listed in any order.
$allow_register = '0';
$email_register = '0';
If $allow_register = 0, new user registration is not allowed. $email_register and $generate_password are also disabled, regardless of their values in this setup file.
If $allow_register = 1 and $email_register = 0, new user registration is allowed and users are added immediately to the user database.
If $allow_register = 1 and $email_register = 1, new user registration is allowed. New user's details are emailed to the database administrator and must be manually added to the user's database. Add the line from the administrative email containing the encrypted password which is labeled "Database Record:" to the user's database.
To prevent unauthorized access of WS Mail's administrative interface, $allow_register is set to '0' in the WebStore distributions.
$generate_password = '0';
If $generate_password = 1, WS Mail uses it's password and encryption routines to generate new user passwords. Password is emailed to the new user and must be retrieved by the user before logging in.
If $generate_password = 0, new users are allowed to enter a password of their choice and may logon immediately.
$allow_search = '1';
If $allow_search = 1, allow users to search for usernames.
If $allow_search = 0, username search is disabled.
$duplicate_check = '1';
If $duplicate_check = 1, WS Mail checks for the possible duplication of a user's details before registering a user.
If $duplicate_check = 0, duplicate checking is disabled.
$log_file = 'WSMail_Access.stats';
$log_file is the name of the statistics log file stored in the /Statistics sub-directory.
Maintain a formatted or | (pipe) delimited log file for the first access to WS Mail consisting of:
Date and Time of access    21/Dec/1998 12:54:03 PM
$ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}    Type of Browser
$ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}       Referring web page
$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}        Remote address
$ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}        Remote host
Setting $log_file = '' disables the statistics log file routine.
$log_file_size = '25000';  (log file size = 25K)
$log_file_size equals the maximum size of the statistics log file before overwrite occurs.
Setting $log_file_size = '' disables overwrite of the log file. You must manually delete the log file.
$log_delimiter = '';
Setting $log_delimiter = 'Y' will | (pipe) delimit the fields of each record written to the log file defined in $log_file.
Setting $log_delimiter = '' disables pipe delimited fields. Fields are separated by four spaces.
$stat_file = 'WSMail_Query.stats';
$stat_file is the name of the query stat file stored in the /Statistics sub-directory.
Maintain a formatted or | (pipe) delimited query stat file consisting of:
Access Date and Time    21/Dec/1996 12:54:03 PM
Setup File              Setup filename (file extension truncated)
Request                 Primary Request (query name=value pair)
$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}     Remote address
Process ID              Script process ID
Query String            name=value pairs present in form POST submissions.
                        Values for login, password, username, and any
                        field beginning with cc or chk are replaced with
                        * (asterisks).  Field names are case insensitive.
Record all administrative interface queries and those mailing list registration queries containing errors.
Setting $stat_file = '' disables the query stat file routine.
$stat_file_size = '50000';  (stat file size = 50K)
$stat_file_size equals the maximum size of the query stat file before overwrite occurs.
Setting $stat_file_size = '' disables overwrite of the query stat file. You must manually delete the stat file.
$stat_delimiter = '';
Setting $stat_delimiter = 'Y' will | (pipe) delimit the fields of each record written to the query stat file defined in $stat_file.
Setting $stat_delimiter = '' disables pipe delimited fields. Fields are separated by four spaces.
HTML Display
$header_font and $header_face, set in ws_global.setup, are used with $header_fnt_clr to develop an opening <FONT> tag for use in table header rows.
$data_font and $data_face, set in ws_global.setup, are used with $data_fnt_clr, $error_fnt_clr, $message_fnt_clr, and $syntax_fnt_clr to develop opening <FONT> tags for use in table data rows.
$BORDER      = '4';
Dimensions of the registration form's table borders and space between text and columns can be modified by adjusting the values of $BORDER and $CELLPADDING.
Setting $BORDER = 0 disables border display on the registration form.
# $background  = 'image.jpg';
  $bgcolor     = '#F0F8FF';  # Aliceblue
# $text_color  = '#000000';  # Black
# $link_color  = '#0000FF';  # Blue
# $vlink_color = '#0000A0';  # Dark Blue
# $alink_color = '#FF0000';  # Red
Values for background, bgcolor, text, link, visited link, and active link are set using $background, $bgcolor, $text_color, $link_color, $vlink_color, $alink_color respectively.
These variables are set globally in ws_global.setup for use by all scripts in the WebStore application.
To configure specific colors for WS Mail, remove the # (pound sign) from column 1 and set to the desired value. Any combination of these variables may be uncommented (pound sign removed).
$background is the filename of the background image stored in the /Web_store/Graphics sub-directory.
WS Mail determines whether to precede $backgound with $graphics_url or $ssl_graphics_url depending on the setting of $ssl_url and by including a name=value pair for 'use_ssl' in the query string of the URL accessing ws_mail.cgi: ws_mail.cgi?use_ssl=Y. Under most conditions, WS Mail is accessed without the use of SSL.
	$graphics_url/$background   OR   $ssl_graphics_url/$background
Setting any of these variables = ''; disables printing their respective attribute within the opening <BODY> tag of WS Mail generated HTML pages.
$header_text = 'Mailing List Registration';
$header_text is the text displayed in the table header of the registration form.
$button_text = 'Register';
$button_text is the text displayed on the registration form's submit button.
$border_bkg_clr = '#B0C4DE'; Lightsteelblue
$border_bkg_clr is the background color used in the table's ornamental border of the registration form.
Setting $border_bkg_clr = ''; disables $border_bkg_clr.
Color defaults to <BODY BACKGROUND> attribute.
$header_bkg_clr = '#0000A0'; Darkblue
$header_fnt_clr = '#FFFFFF'; White
$header_bkg_clr and $header_fnt_clr are the background color and font color used in table header rows to display table page headers in the administrative interface.
Setting $header_bkg_clr = ''; disables $header_bkg_clr.
Setting $header_fnt_clr = ''; disables $header_fnt_clr.
Colors default to <BODY BGCOLOR or BACKGROUND> and <BODY TEXT> attributes.
$data_bkg_clr = '#B0C4DE'; Lightsteelblue
$data_fnt_clr = '#000000'; Black
$data_bkg_clr and $data_fnt_clr are the background color and font color used in table data rows of the registration form.
$data_fnt_clr is also used in the administrative interface for explanatory text.
Setting $data_bkg_clr = ''; disables $data_bkg_clr.
Setting $data_fnt_clr = ''; disables $data_fnt_clr.
Colors default to <BODY BGCOLOR or BACKGROUND> and <BODY TEXT> attributes.
$message_fnt_clr = '#0000A0'; Darkblue
$message_fnt_clr is the font color used in table header rows to display helpful messages to users in the administrative interface.
$message_fnt_clr is also used to highlight e-mail addresses which fail nslookup during sort and send mail functions when DNS Lookup is enabled.
Setting $message_fnt_clr = ''; disables $message_fnt_clr. Text color defaults to <BODY TEXT> attribute.
$error_fnt_clr = '#C00000'; Darkred
$error_fnt_clr is the font color used in table header rows to display user key entry error messages or additional information concerning the function just performed (or submitted) by the user in the administrative interface.
$error_fnt_clr is also used to highlight duplicated e-mail addresses during sort and send mail functions.
Setting $error_fnt_clr = ''; disables $error_fnt_clr. Text color defaults to <BODY TEXT> attribute.
$syntax_fnt_clr = '#008080'; Teal
$syntax_fnt_clr is used to highlight e-mail addresses containing syntax errors during sort and send mail functions.
Setting $syntax_fnt_clr = ''; disables $syntax_fnt_clr. Text color defaults to <BODY TEXT> attribute.
1; # DO NOT REMOVE IN ws_mail.setup

# End of file
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