$register_msg = qq!
RDC Software - WS Mail DEMO
Route 3, Box 29B
Grapeland, Texas 75844
Phone: 936.687.2400
Fax: 936.687.9057
Thank you ~~FIRST~~, for joining the WebStore mailing list.
NOTE: This is a demonstration of WS Mail in WebStore.
Your e-mail address, ~~EMAIL~~, has not been
added to an active mailing list.
!; # DO NOT REMOVE - terminates $register_msg
$register_msg is the auto-response message sent to new subscribers to your mailing list.
You may personalize the text in $register_msg by including the subscriber's
name and e-mail address.
Occurrences of ~~FIRST~~ ~~FULL~~ and
~~EMAIL~~ found in $register_msg will be replaced with:
~~FIRST~~ Subscriber's first name
~~FULL~~ Subscriber's full name
~~EMAIL~~ Subscriber's e-mail address
Occurrences of ~~FIRST~~ in
$register_msg are replaced with the full name
of the subscriber instead of the first name if the full name ends in Co,
Company, Corp, Corporation, Inc, or Incorporated (case insensitive, optional
trailing period).
$signature near the bottom of $register_msg is the contents of
$signature in this file.
Space the contents of $register_msg as you would like it to appear in the
auto-response e-mail message sent to new subscribers.
WS Mail removes all leading and trailing whitespace from $register_msg
before adding one blank line to the beginning of $register_msg. No blank
lines are added to the end of $register_msg as it is the end of the BODY
of the auto-response e-mail message sent to new subscribers.
Setting $register_msg = '' or
$email_subject = ''
disables sending auto-response e-mail messages to new subscribers.
$message_header = qq!
Hello ~~FIRST~~\!
Your e-mail address, ~~EMAIL~~, has been added to WebStore's mailing list.
This is the demonstration message sent to the entire mailing list.
End of message header in ws_mail.setup
!; # DO NOT REMOVE - terminates $message_header
$message_header is printed at the beginning of all messages sent to the
entire mailing list.
You may personalize the text in $message_header by using each member's
name and e-mail address.
Occurrences of ~~FIRST~~ ~~FULL~~ and
~~EMAIL~~ found in $message_header will be replaced with:
~~FIRST~~ List member's first name
~~FULL~~ List member's full name
~~EMAIL~~ List member's e-mail address
Occurrences of ~~FIRST~~ in
$message_header are replaced with the full name
of the list member instead of the first name if the full name ends in Co,
Company, Corp, Corporation, Inc, or Incorporated (case insensitive, optional
trailing period).
Space the contents of $message_header as you would like it to appear in the
auto-response e-mail message sent to new subscribers.
WS Mail removes all leading and trailing whitespace from $message_header
before adding one blank line to the beginning of $message_header and two
blank lines to the end of $message_header.
Setting $message_header = '', disables printing
$message_header and it's associated blank lines to e-mail messages sent to
the entire list.
$return_link_url = 'http://www.YourDomain.xxx';
$return_link_url is an absolute URL link printed at the bottom of all pages in
WS Mail whose format is: