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WebStore Installation Outline

Adding .setup to the ASCII file extensions in WS_FTP's Auto Detect list will prevent the accidental transfer of WebStore setup files in BINARY mode.
Install WebStore Demonstration Model
Extract ws415CS.tar.gz or on your local PC
Transfer WebStore to your server
Configure Global Setup File
Change <TITLE> text, HREF Anchors, and <IMG SRC> Tags
Configure a supported real-time payment processor if you are using real-time credit card or electronic check processing.
Create the PGP files on your server if you have configured WebStore to encrypt administrative order e-mail messages using PGP.
After completing the steps above, the demonstration model included in the distribution of WebStore will be functional on your server.
Test WebStore before continuing
Access WebStore with your web browser,
  • Verify image anchors are accurate and all images display on HTML pages and in the store's database,
  • Verify WebStore href anchors are accurate and reference the WebStore script on your server on HTML pages and in the store's database,
  • Submit a test order and verify the order e-mail messages are delivered to the e-mail address you configured in $admin_email in ws_global.setup.
Back up the files in the /Databases sub-directory before continuing.

Modify user-specific variables in setup files
WebStore's setup file
WebStore's order form setup file
WS Banner's setup file
WS Editor's setup file
WS Mail's setup file
You should back up the working demonstration of WebStore on your server.
This completes the installation of the WebStore demonstration application.
Before adding inventory items to WebStore's database,
You are ready to modify the HTML documents in the /Html sub-directory for the product line you are selling. A good starting point is the store's front page, defined in $frontpage_file in outlet.setup.
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Extract ws415CS.tar.gz or on your local PC
This will create the Web_store directory structure.
Using an adequate text editor, verify LINE 1 in each of the following perl scripts points to your server's Perl5:
The scripts will generate an Internal Server Error when LINE 1 does not point to your server's Perl5. Using an inadequate text editor to edit these files may also cause this error.
Transfer WebStore to your server
If you have telnet access to your domain account and you can execute UNIX tar commands, transfer ws415CS.tar.gz to it's parent directory using an FTP client such as WS_FTP. Transfer these files in BINARY mode.
WebStore's parent directory must be able to output graphics and HTML files to a web browser. The directory accessed with the URL or any directory under this directory is the correct location to upload ws415CS.tar.gz to.
After transferring ws415CS.tar.gz to your server, telnet to your account and extract ws415CS.tar.gz.
If you do not have telnet access, transfer the directories and files to your server. You will have to set directory and file permissions using WS_FTP.
Prior to transferring individual files, you should add WebStore's ASCII file extensions to WS_FTP's Auto Detect list. This will prevent the accidental transfer of ASCII text files in BINARY mode.
Image files (.gif and .jpg file extensions) located in the /Graphics and the /Graphics/Banners sub-directories are the only BINARY files in the WebStore application. All other files are ASCII text files.
You should also change <TITLE> text, HREF anchors, and <IMG SRC> tags in HTML files.
If your domain has a specific directory configured for perl scripts, such as cgi-bin, place the perl scripts and /Web_store/ws_global.setup in the cgi-bin directory. Otherwise, the perl scripts and ws_global.setup may be left in the /Web_store directory or placed in a directory of your choosing.
Perl scripts can not be placed in any directory assigned to MS Frontpage.
Configure Global Setup File
The global setup file, /Web_store/ws_global.setup, contains variables used by all scripts in the WebStore application.
If you do not know the UNIX path to the /Web_store directory on your server, defined in $basedir, or you do not know the location of nslookup, sendmail, or pgp upload ws_global.setup to your server as an ASCII text file with it's original values.
Executing ws400CS.cgi with your web browser will generate an error message which will contain your domain's environment variables. The location of perl, nslookup, sendmail, and pgp will be listed under System Files at the bottom of the error message.
Save this file to your local PC or cut and paste variable values directly from your web browser into the variables in ws_global.setup.
If you placed the /Web_store directory structure in your domain's root, the value for $basedir may be constructed by adding /Web_store to the value displayed for the environment variable labeled DOCUMENT_ROOT:
DOCUMENT_ROOT  =   /Path/To/Domain/Root
$basedir       =  '/Path/To/Domain/Root/Web_store';
Upload the modified ws_global.setup to your server as an ASCII text file.
Test WebStore before continuing
Access WebStore with your web browser,

  • This will verify the variable settings are correct and WebStore was able to find the /Web_store directory.
Access WebStore with your web browser,

  • Verify directory permissions are correct. Directories with correct permissions will be printed in black.

    Since None.setup does not exist, and you included &env= in the query string, WebStore will print a color-coded File not Found message.

    To print extended error messages in WebStore when no errors exist, you must create an error condition. Including a non-existent store setup file in the query string accessing WebStore is one method of creating an error condition in order to view WebStore's extended error message.

    This will not harm your WebStore application!
    You are merely satisfying a programmed condition in the WebStore script.

    Test it using our online demonstration   You must be online
Change <TITLE> text, HREF Anchors, and <IMG SRC> Tags
Change <TITLE> text in HTML documents in the /Html sub-directory:
SEARCH FOR:    <TITLE>WebStore 400CS Shopping Cart
REPLACE WITH:  <TITLE>Your Company Name
Change WebStore href anchors in HTML documents in the /Html sub-directory and in the store's database, /Databases/, to point to the WebStore script on your server:
Change <IMG SRC> tags in HTML documents in the /Html sub-directory and in the store's database, /Databases/
SEARCH FOR:    Graphics/
REPLACE WITH:  Relative path to the Graphics/ sub-directory
               Absolute URL to the Graphics/ sub-directory
If your WebStore scripts are in the cgi-bin directory, the cgi-bin directory resides in your domain's root, and you placed the /Web_store directory structure in your domain's root, your relative image path would be:
REPLACE WITH:  ../Web_store/Graphics/
No change to the /Graphics path is required if ws400CS.cgi is located at /Web_store/ws400CS.cgi on your server.
The relative path to the /Graphics sub-directory is relative to the location of the WebStore script.
Upload all modified files in the /Html sub-directory and /Databases/ to your server as ASCII text files.
Adding WebStore's ASCII file extensions to WS_FTP's Auto Detect list will prevent the accidental transfer of ASCII text files in BINARY mode.
Modify user-specific variables in WebStore's setup file, outlet.setup
Upload the modified outlet.setup to your server as an ASCII text file.
Test WebStore before continuing
Access WebStore with your web browser,

Modify order form setup file(s) defined in %form_files in outlet.setup
Order Form Filename              Type of Payment

OrderForm.CreditCard.setup       Credit Card
OrderForm.Check.setup            Personal Check - US citizens
OrderForm.FaxMail.setup          Fax or Mail
OrderForm.CreditFaxMail.setup    Credit Card, Fax, and Mail
Modify the HTML code or descriptive text displayed in one of the following arrays in a WebStore order form:

Upload the modified order form setup file(s) to your server as ASCII text file(s).
Test WebStore before continuing
Access WebStore with your web browser,

  • This will verify punctuation is correct in the variables in WebStore's default order form setup file. Punctuation errors will cause an Internal Server Error.
  • Add items to your shopping cart and go to the order form you modified. Verify any changes you made are accurate and modified text displays properly.

    WebStore will immediately require the default order form setup file defined in %form_files in outlet.setup for the first script process accessing WebStore when env= is defined in the query string.
Modify variables in WS Banner's setup file, ws_banner.setup
ws_banner.cgi is a support script for WebStore Frames and must be defined in a <frame src> tag of a frame document parsed by ws400CS.cgi:
<frame name="banner"
If you are not using WS Banner, delete /Databases/ws_banner.setup and /Web_store/ws_banner.cgi from your server and proceed to the WS Editor's setup file section of this document.
WS Banner is configured for query string image refresh in the distributions of WebStore:
refresh=15 displays each image for 15 seconds before loading the next image.
Store banner images in %images in ws_banner.setup.
Upload the modified ws_banner.setup to your server as an ASCII text file.
Test WS Banner
Access WS Banner with your web browser,

  • This will verify punctuation is correct in the variables you modified in ws_banner.setup. Punctuation errors will cause an Internal Server Error.
  • Verify all images display properly and no images displays a WS Banner configuration error message.

    WS Banner will create a banner file named 12345.bnr in the /User_carts sub-directory, storing image references in the file. Each banner image is displayed for 10 seconds.
Modify user-specific variables in WS Editor's setup file, outlet_editor.setup
Upload the modified outlet_editor.setup to your server as an ASCII text file.
Test WS Editor
Access WS Editor with your web browser,

After registering all the username/password combinations you require, set $allow_register = '0' in outlet_editor.setup and upload the modified outlet_editor.setup to your server as an ASCII text file. This will prevent unauthorized access of WS Editor's administrative interface.
WS Editor and WS Mail use the same registration database. Username/password registrations submitted using WS Editor can be used to access WS Mail's administrative interface as well.
Modify user-specific variables in WS Mail's setup file, ws_mail.setup
Upload the modified ws_mail.setup to your server as an ASCII text file.
Test WS Mail
Access WS Mail with your web browser,

  • This will verify punctuation is correct in the variables you modified in ws_mail.setup. Punctuation errors will cause an Internal Server Error.

  • Submit an e-mail address and name using the form WS Mail will provide.
    • Verify the web page you defined in $link_page is printed to your web browser upon successful form submission.
    • Verify the registration e-mail message sent to new subscribers is delivered to the e-mail address submitted on the form.
    • Check the body of the message delivered in the registration e-mail for spelling errors and proper formatting. The registration message is defined in $register_msg
    • Check the signature delivered in the registration e-mail. The signature is defined in $signature.
Access WS Mail with your web browser,

  • ?admin=Y accesses WS Mail's administrative interface, used for sending mail to mailing lists.
To prevent unauthorized access of WS Mail's administrative interface, $allow_register is set to '0' in ws_mail.setup in the WebStore distributions. Use a username/password combination you entered using WS Editor's administrative interface to access WS Mail.
WS Mail and WS Editor use the same registration database. Username/password registrations submitted using WS Editor can be used to access WS Mail's administrative interface as well.
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